The UNICEF Europe and Central Asia Regional office (ECARO) has been piloting user testing to promote affordable assistive technology for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) in Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia.
Hear the latest progress on Cboard development
Cboard Unicef Europe July 15, 2020
The UNICEF Europe and Central Asia Regional office (ECARO) has been piloting user testing to promote affordable assistive technology for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) in Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia.
Cboard is very please to announce another investment from UNICEF to continue developing the application. Cboard is a free online web app aiding communication through text-to-speech, created through Cireha rehabilitation center in Córdoba, Argentina. With support from UNICEF, we were able to conduct initial user testing in Buenos Aires, Argentina, prior to the official launch in September 2018. During this testing were were able to get feedback from users and professional speech therapist to edit the app and make it more accessible for users.
Cboard Unicef Accessibility May 15, 2019
We are proud to say we have complete the process that finishes our 15 months of investment with the Unicef innovation fund.
Cboard Usability Accessibility React React-scannable September 14, 2018
We are proud to say we have developed a scanning tool that is open to the community and free to use. We called this as react-scannable
and is available to be downloaded from npm as a package.
Cboard Usability-testing September 05, 2018
For the final two weeks of testing, we continued seeing patients from both Ciren and Eipan, but though we saw a few new patients, the majority of the visits were second sessions with previously seen patients. This was helpful in that the children were not as overwhelmed with new images, and were seeing Cboard for a second time (at least). We had created folders with few pictograms (so less visual stimulation) in order to determine whether their reactions and understanding changed from the initial visit.
Cboard Usability-testing August 20, 2018
In the weeks before beginning usability testing, we contacted three speech rehabilitation centers in central Buenos Aires, two of which replied they had eligible candidates and would participate in the testing. The first is Ciren (Centro Integral de Rehabilitación y Educación Neurológica), and the second Eipan (Equipo Interdisciplinario para la Atención del Niño con Alteraciones del Desarrollo). Both centers provide speech therapy, among other services, and work with children with a number of different diagnosis, including a large number with cerebral palsy and neurodevelopmental delay.
Cboard Openboard Open-source June 30, 2018
We at Cboard recently released a new and exiting feature: openboard support. This is going to be as key piece in order to allow Cboard users a flexible platform that supports easy sharing and migration.
Cboard Open-source March 16, 2018
We were delighted recently to have the opportunity to share on CSS-Tricks! Check it out to learn more about how the open-source ecosystem and modern browser developments are making Cboard possible. We discuss the Web Speech API, React, the Internationalization API, and the “progressive web app” concept.
Cboard Open-source December 05, 2017
Cboard is a communication board for children and adults who cannot communicate using their voice. A communication board is essentially a grid with pictures or symbols that users can point at to express their needs and thoughts. There are low-tech solutions which do not need electricity and high-tech ones which can generate speech.